I have a need to tell this. My short story is a great example of how God listens, love us, and takes care of us. Early this morning, around 1 […]
To all those who think there is no God….
I have many reasons to believe in Him and many situations, big and small, that point to no other deduction. I won’t post them all, for I don’t have that […]
This song has been running around in my head all morning. You think God is trying to tell me something? (I’m posting this for the words, not the pictures.) I […]
This. Is. Getting. Old.
A little update for those of you who are interested. I’m still here and the baby is still squirming within. The contractions are still here, but to be honest, I’m […]
In my weakness He is strong
If I was any other person, who has had different experiences, I would think something is happening. Well, actually, something is happening, but I would put more stock into it […]
Words of encouragement (for you AND me)
I need this reminder today. I’m feeling very poorly and my patience is almost non-existent. With 5 children and a husband who’s not here, that’s not a good mix. This […]
The wonder of God’s magnificent creation!
Would you like to see a tiny fraction of God’s incredible imagination? After you see these pictures, can we even begin to guess how much more fantastic discoveries there are […]
Hmmm, something different
We are having our 6th child. The first 5 were in the hospital, with the 1st being a c-section because she was in the breech position. The other 4 were […]
A good reminder
Okay, so this is not the best poem ever written or ever read. But I think it can serve as a good reminder of what our focus should be, how […]
Things have changed for the better
I was beginning to think I forgot how to get here! There are have been so many things that have changed in our household, that I’m not even sure of […]