I’m cheating today. I read an excellent post from the Kleins that I wanted to share with you. I couldn’t have written it better, so why try? :0)
Here is a snippet:
” It is sad that educational reasons for homeschooling have eclipsed what really motivated many modern christian parents to return to keeping children home 30 or 40 or more years ago. We attended a wedding last year, where the 80-something year old father of the FATHER of the groom was present. He was a homeschool dad. Yes, I mean the groom’s grandpa! Years ago, he had been a school teacher, and decided he had to pull his children out of the school and teach them at home. It was not for mere educational reasons…..
Yes, we brainwash our children. Who is brainwashing yours? “
Go and read the whole thing. It’s right on.