A very dear friend came over today and we had such a sweet talk. Thank you, Friend! She is not an old friend, but there is a tie there non-the-less that is very special. We are in different places in our lives, but we share a strong foundation in common: Jesus Christ. Even in our different capacities, we strive to live our lives the way God wants them to be lived. We may not always get it right (well, at least I don’t :0) ), but we strive for that all the same.
I just want to say “thank you” to you, Friend. For allowing me this day, to have an adult conversation with you. For drinking coffee with me. For sharing things with me from your life, as well as listening to me ramble out things going on in mine. For listening to me “get after” my children and not being uncomfortable about it. We may not share every view point in common, but I feel safe telling you things that I don’t feel I am free to tell others (for I know they will stay with you only). That alone is a rare thing. And I hope you feel the same towards me.
I thank God for our friendship, for the connection I think we both feel. You are in my prayers.