Well, Summer is almost gone and we have already have had one week of school. So I suppose it’s time to start talking again. Lots of things have happened, but I don’t have much time to go into great detail about them all. So here is a few of the biggest of them all:
1. We are attending a church in Rhinelander and have been now since June 22, so about 6 weeks. Both Adam and I feel that this is the place the Lord wants us to be at. After many months of not knowing where we should be, it is so nice to be at peace knowing we are doing what He wants us to do.
2. Because we are traveling so much to Rhinelander, don’t forget that Adam works there already, we are looking to move there. We had found a house that fit our criteria, but not our family. We prayed about it and decided to make an offer on it any way since there was a full basement and a full access attic. But that fell through, and since then we have thanked the Lord for that since it wasn’t in His will for us. Now we have found another house and we are prayerfully considering this one. It is a much larger house than the 1st one we offered for. It’s even larger than our house is now! I will keep you appraised on what’s happening with that as time goes on. Either way, it’s in the Lords’ hands. And we are not praying to stay. And we’re not praying to move. We just want to be in the Lords will (although I am praying that if the Lord wants us to move, please let it be soon for Adam’s sake. And it would be nice for it to be to this big house, too ).
3. I am We are trying to get things done around here for when we sell our house. There’s a lot on the list that probably should get done, but I don’t think it’s gonna be. If we do get this house (or any other house for that matter, since our price range is on the low end), there will be much work for us to do in the new house. So neither one of us wants to put much more money or effort into this one.
There really are more things that have happened, but tonight we have a fellowship meal at church, and I have errands to run before 6pm. So I gotta’ run.