I am here. I promise. Well, at least physically I’m here. I can’t guarantee about my mental presence, though. You see, I haven’t slept for more than 3 hours strait in the last 3 days. And no, it doesn’t have to do with the nursing one (for he has been know to go 5 hours between eating). It has to do with the other 4 who are trying to cough up their lungs. And throw up their stomachs. And rub their noeses off from blowing them so much.
Isaac had the prestige of being the first this year (presumably 2008 and not 2007) to be positive for influenza. Yay. So that means that everyone else, who has the same symptoms but not as bad as he is, has it too. Thankfully not Nathaniel, though. I’m keeping a close eye on him to make sure if things start to “go south”, it will be taken care of quick. The last thing he needs is to be back in the hospital with RSV. And I know it’s just counting down the days until it can attack and concur Adam and I. I’ll be sending up my white flag then.
So, I’ll be here even if I’m not. I’ll be talking even if I’m not heard. I’ll be doing stuff even if it doesn’t look like it. I’ll be sleeping even if…. ah never mind.