The land

This has been something we have prayed for and waited for, for many years. All along, the answer was “no”.

But then it changed to “yes”.

It all started (for this year, anyway) when we had some “extra” in the bank and we were discussing what to do with it. We had 2 options: pay off the most of the mortgage for this house OR use it as a  down payment for a new one. After much thought, we decided to use it as a down payment, for the likelihood of it happening again anytime soon was small. Plus, we are out growing our house AND the commercial kitchen. It was time to look for another house.

We wanted to keep the cost as low as possible, but unfortunately, that also lowered the places that could work for us. We have very particular needs, being such a large family and the need for a commercial kitchen. In our area, only 2 were real possibilities: one house was big enough with just a slight modification and the other would be fine for a time, but an addition would be needed shortly. However, both of them needed a new garage/building for Adam’s kitchen, a new well, and more amp’s run to the house. We realized what good would it do to purchase these properties for at least $100,000 and then add the cost of everything else that we need? That would be way over what we wanted (and was approved for) to pay. So we began to look for vacant land.

After a month or so, we found one that is still within the radius of town (for our business), off the Hwy (for ease of deliveries), only 5 minutes away from this house, had the acreage we wanted, and the topography was what were looking for. We met with our realtor friend, who was also the listing agent for the land, and took a “tour” of the property. When we got back into the car, Adam asked me what I thought. “I couldn’t love it more!” was my response. The children were in complete agreement.

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And so it begun.

We went through the process of getting a construction loan, of getting the bids for work, choosing those companies, and all the rest of that fun. Bleh.

Today, May 20, the land became ours. Hooray!!


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