Really random Thursday

It was another good week with school. Meaning we did school each day. The children are really liking their new spelling books, which makes it nice. So far, I have split the week up into 2 days they do Bible copy, math and history, while the other 2 days they do spelling, math and history. But I’m pretty sure I’m going to change that to have everything every day (we have a 4 day school week). Sometimes I get pouty responses and complaints for “the amount of work we have to do!”. Yeah. These kids have no idea!

When a curious, imaginative boy has access to his Daddy’s tools, this is what you can get:


He said he was welding. And wearing his safety goggles, of course.

We’ve had quite the snow build up as of late. The last time our driveway/front yard was plowed, we asked for the snow to be pushed into one pile for the children to play on. Their cool Uncle was very happy to oblige!


Sometimes, you just never know when a good photo op will show itself.


I really love it when my children curl up next to each other and read books!

I had an app. this week with my Dr. and baby is doing good! Right on schedule and heart beat sounds great! Since I have a rather intricate labor history, my Dr. told me she went through and detailed every birth to have it formally documented. This way, when it’s time for labor and she’s not on call, the Dr. who is will have the needed information about me (aka will know that I have loooooong labors, which means I fall into the “failure to progress” category if my history is not understood. Then I will be pressured to have an unnecessary c-section, causing us to fight the Dr.). I was so happy to hear that she did this! It is a relief to say the least.

I decided to tackle the ever-growing monster scrap collection that I have. I keep most of my scraps in the deep drawers in my sewing desk (the really little ones I have been keeping in gal size glass jars. But I’m changing that now.) and it’s become difficult to close the drawers. I am going through everything and cutting things down to 10:, 5”, 2.5” squares and 2.5” strips. I have only done my “green” drawer, but I’ll get to the rest.


This is what the “green” drawer look like now. The why-am-I-keeping-these scraps are in the back, while the 10” squares are beneath the 5” squares and the 2.5” squares are in the basket. The strips are used the least and so they live in another place. If there was room in the drawer, I would put them there though. I’m thinking of storing the scraps in another place and moving the strips in their place. We’ll see.,


I’m also going through my large pieces of fabric and storing them a la fabric store. I am taking the idea of using comic book boards and wrapping the fabric around them. Except they are not comic book boards. I’m too cheap for those. I’m using free-they-will-be-burned-otherwise cardboard, cut to app. 8 x 11 size. With as many boxes we get each week, why not?!


The prints are all done. Now it’s just the solids to do.

Caleb is ending the week with a fever, poor little guy. In fact, most people around here aren’t feeling good. ‘Tis the season, I suppose. I know it’s dangerous to say this, with it just being the beginning of February and all, but I’m really looking forward to hearing the birds sing again!

I really love my Retro Camera app for my phone!. Can you tell?

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