I’ve just crossed the thresh hold of the 3rd trimester. In a way, I’m kind-a in shock that I’m here. The first half of this pregnancy seemed to go so slowly, mostly due to me feeling so sick. Not with morning sickness, really, but the flu, cold, and just down right not feeling good. Plus this last winter was so long, that sure didn’t make things any easier! Then on the other side, I’m relieved that I’m here now because with it being summer, and we are always busy, this time should go quickly. We have catering functions, weddings, camp, and daily work that is packed into the next 3 months. Time always seems to go faster when you are busy, doesn’t it?
Yesterday and today (Saturday May 21), I got all our garden beds ready and things planted in them. Since we live in town, and our house is rather large, we don’t have much land to work with for a garden. So we have 7 raised beds in the back and we will be adding another one to the front, under the 2 spruce trees Adam just took down. The ones in the back are just for the bush/stalk/root type of veggies, while the front will be for the vine/trellis type of veggies. It was just in time, too, for it started raining this afternoon and 4 hours later, it’s still going! It’s so nice when God takes care of the watering part for us, isn’t?
I think I mentioned here awhile back about having to get a new car seat. According to federal law, an infant car seat can not exceed 5 years past the manufactured date and still be used. One of our infant car seats was manufactured in 2003, so it’s definitely out. The other one we got when Damaris was born and when looking at it, I thought is said “March 2006”. Thankfully, as I was cleaning off the porch (for that is where I stored it), I looked again and it actually says “March 2008”. So we’re good to go! Yay! We certainly were prepared to get a new one, but it’s nice to have to spend an extra $70 or so when we don’t have to. . We have a commercial high heat dishwasher and I ran the base through that to help clean it up. The car seat wouldn’t fit, otherwise I would have done that one too! With it being on the porch (an open porch) for so long (I think it’s been there since last Fall), it was a bit dirty. I wrapped the actual car seat material in a plastic bag, so that didn’t get harmed, although I washed that as well. So the car seat is all cleaned up and washed, already for a snuggly baby to sit there. Adam just rolled his eyes at me when I told him it was all cleaned up. “We have 3 months,” he said. Yes, but I know how fast those months will go by, with them being in the summer, and I don’t want to have to worry about washing it at the last minute. I know how these things go! The next step to take all the baby clothes out of the correct chest (
), wash them, and put them in the dresser. Adam think I’m nuts for washing them, since I wash everything before it goes into the chest and it stays there, untouched, until we need them again. But it just makes me feel better to wash everything again, so I’m sure it’s nice and clean for said snuggly baby.
Has anyone else had problems with their teeth being extremely sensitive to temps? It’s been about 2 months or so that I’ve noticed whenever I eat or drink something hot or cold, a few of my teeth hurt. Even breathing in cold air hurts. For the past few days, they have continually hurt, no matter if I’m eating or not. The sad thing is I haven’t been to a dentist sine I was pregnant with Grace. That would have been in the Fall of 2002! I have been on the waiting list to see a dentist since Dec. 2008. We have state assistance for medical coverage and there are no dentist up here who either take this insurance or have an opening. But I called them yesterday and I told them I was having quite a bit of pain, so I now have an appointment on June 2. Even though I’m pregnant ~ which they would rather I wait until the baby is born because they would want to take x-rays and such to see what’s going on. However, I looked up information about dental x-rays during pregnancy and everything I read said there is a minimum amount of radiation actually given off from the x-ray that it won’t pose any danger to my baby. They will not do it in the 1st trimester, due to that being the time everything is still forming. But in the 2nd and esp. 3rd trimesters, it’s relatively safe since the baby is just growing in there. I don’t know if they will want to take x-rays, I’m just anticipating it and I want to be as prepared with information as much as possible. I don’t know if this is pregnancy related or not, I just know I’m in a lot of pain all the time now and it needs to be seen/taken care of! I mentioned to Adam that this is my 7th pregnancy (technically my 8th, but that 1st one was only until 4 or 5 weeks along) and I’m just now experiencing some “normal” pregnancy issues. Weird!
I’m flying out to VA with Damaris on Thursday to visit with my father and family. We will be returning on Monday, May 30. It’s going to be strange to take care of only 1 child, for I haven’t had to do that for almost 8 1/2 years! Then there is the side that Adam is going to be home with the other 5 children, which is something he’s never done before. Oh sure, he’s been “home alone” when I go to the dr.’s, but never for nearly 5 days! I haven’t flown in about 5 years and I’m know things haven’t changed dramatically since then. I also don’t know how Damaris is going to be, for she doesn’t sit on laps very well. She is a very active little girl and having to sit on my lap for a long period of time … I’m not anticipating it to go well. We have an hour flight to Minneapolis, an little over an hour layover there, almost 2 hours to Cincinnati, a half hour layover there, and an hour and a half to D.C., so hopefully those layovers will help. We are due to leave Rhinelander (the nearest airport, which is 50 min. away) at 6:50 am, so I’m hoping that early morning take off will make her take a nice long nap during the longer flight time. We’ll see. I’m sure I’ll plenty to tell you next week.