A little update for those of you who are interested. I’m still here and the baby is still squirming within. The contractions are still here, but to be honest, I’m not even sure if I should call them contractions. I’ve had braxton hicks that are stronger then these things! But they are stronger than cramps, so what would they be?
Whatever they are, nothing has changed. I was able to sleep last night. Not as well as when I took the Nyquill, but I was not willing to take that again, so I slept on my own. I had a talk with God this morning and I’ve come to the conclusion that this baby will not be born anytime soon. And I told Him I’m okay with that. For I really am. I did ask, though, that He would make whatever these things are to stop. They are getting real annoying. I told Adam that I’m not going to talk about labor, contractions or any such things today and that we should assume our lives will go on as planned (meaning we will go to church tomorrow night and he will go to work.). This sitting around waiting and waiting for something that is very likely not going to happen is for the birds.
I suppose I sound a bit cynical, but I don’t mean to be. I’ve just gone around and around with this labor thing many times with the other children that I’ve learned the more I think and dwell on what’s not happening (or trying to decipher what is happening), the worse I mentally become. And that really is not a good place for anyone to be. So, I’ve accepted that I still have at least 2 more weeks to go and I’m submitting to that. I know I don’t have much choice in the matter, but I do have a choice on how I will respond to it. And if these contraction-things go on and on and on, well God will give me the endurance and anything else I need, to get through it all. I have five children to prove you are not pregnant forever, nor does labor last forever. At some point, it does come to an end. While I don’t want this to go on and on and on and not know when labor will actually produce a baby, I rest in the knowledge that He is in control and He will not give me what I can’t handle.
So, the short of it is, don’t lose any sleep over me. Don’t be sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear what the next part will be. I’m not convinced I’m in labor, so you shouldn’t be either.
A friend of mine left this in the comments and I really appreciated it (thank you, Debbie!).