I found this list and it aptly sums up what we believe. And it is a good reminder for yours truly when the going gets tough.
- A pro-active lifestyle for my children. My children learn that education is not something they wait for someone else to impose upon them or deliver to them.
- A lifestyle based on my beliefs and values and not on the prevailing dogma of politicians, public school advocates, special interest groups, etc.
- Self-definition. One of the greatest attributes of very early Americans, one that characterizes very few other peoples of the world, was the determination to define themselves and the future and not let a government do that for them. Homeschooling is the ultimate choice for true freedom.
- Positive social skills: leadership, kindness, humor, empathy, helpfulness, reasonableness, reverence for life, cooperation, selflessness, joy, good work ethic…all the things that are discouraged, intentionally and unintentionally, by state schooling.
- Discernment and wisdom. A child constantly tested, evaluated, graded, judged, labeled, passed or failed, and defined by others never learns to judge and control himself much less exercise wisdom in his judgments of history, government, and the people around Him.
- Purpose. Ultimate purpose–not pleasing the state with the gift of my children and my effort in making them comply and conform but pleasing God with the rearing of my children to strive after him.
- A safety net for others. The day will come for thousands of parents when public schooling will not only serve their children poorly but will become a crisis for them. Those who have fiercely practiced the freedom to homeschool will make up the support system that will free these parents and their children from their prison of dysfunction.
- Liberty. Many of America’s founders believed that our “experiment in liberty” would set the standard for freedom around the world and offer hope to millions of oppressed people, and it has. But we are giving away our freedom–the final devastating act of this giveaway is the surrender of our children to the state for their intellectual, social, and moral formation. The rest of the world watches and despairs. To choose homeschooling is to offer hope to the persecuted and afflicted the world over.
- Trust. I teach my children that they can trust me to do what is best for them even if it’s hard for me, and that I will not turn my back on them or turn them over to the state because the going gets tough.
- Love. God gave Himself for His children. Can I do less for mine?