We had lunch today at the VFW hall, since Adam was there working. We were getting ready to go and Nathaniel was in the stroller. Isaac was standing next to it and a man came up and started talking to him. After a few minutes, I walked over and overheard this:
Mr. Man: “I think your brother there has your smile, Isaac.”
Isaac: he thinks about it and then very seriously looks up at him and says, “No he dah-sn’t. Mines’ wight he-ah. See?” (and smiles up at Mr. Man, who thought it was the funniest things he’s heard and seen in a long time!)
Mr. Man (to me, after he’s done laughing): “Your boy is the greatest little guy! You keep up the good work, Mama.”
I’m not biased or anything, but he really is a sweet little boy. And what do you think about that smile of his?