My personality

I took one of those free personality test on-line. If you are interested in taking it too, go here. Apparently, I am a “E(extrovert) S(sensing) F(feeling) J(judging)”. Here is what the words mean (in a brief explanation):

The “E” personality draws her energy from action and interacting with people. She is stimulated from the people and things outside of herself. More often than not, she will talk about the things on her mind. While this person may be “the life of the party”, this may also be a person who just enjoys interacting with one or two close friends. The “E” refers more to the fact that this person draws energy from other people and things. An “E” may feel drained or down if she has too much alone time, and will walk away from time with friends energized and happy.

An “E” may be energized by her busy schedule or by the people around her. She “may be described as outgoing, friendly, or talkative”. When things happen or are particularly important to her, she feels compelled to talk it through. She may prefer working in an activity- or people-based environment. Too much silence will depress or drain her.

Sensing: The “S” personality generally takes in information from the world through her five senses. She reads what is written on a page and receives that information as it is written. She may enjoy working with her hands. This person often remembers the past and thinks about the present in terms of specific details. A person with the “S” preference will often do well with detailed information, data gathering, or things that require careful attention. She is the person on a team who thinks of the “little” things that need to be done that make the “big” thing work properly. She starts with the facts and then works towards understanding the big picture. Hands-on experience is important for the “S” preference. She is usually focused on the actual, the tangible, the here and now… these things make up “reality” for the woman with a Sensing preference.

Feeling: The “F” personality places primary importance on the relationships and values surrounding a decision. While they may employ logic and reason to reach a conclusion, they will do so in order to reach their values-based and relationship-focused goals. “Feelers have harmony as an objective”, and “make decisions with their heart”. A feeler will likely choose “tactfulness over truthfulness” (which may not necessarily mean that they lie), and may overlook points of disagreement in order to keep a relationship.

An “F” personality will focus on the relational aspects of a meeting or event first, and will then “get down to business”. Communication is often focused on people, relationships and interpersonal issues rather than tasks and objectives, and the “F” personality will “convince others of her view with personally meaningful information enthusiastically delivered”. When presented with new information, the feeler prefers to “agree with others’ findings, believing people are worth listening to.”

From others, the “F” appreciates honest inquiries into their well-being and emotional state. They “need harmony in order to work most effectively”. The “F” personality will often go out of their way to please or help others, according to their likes and dislikes (how this is carried out may be governed by the E/I preference–E’s showing more extroverted ways of caring, and I’s showing their concern more subtly). Feeling types “tend to be concerned with finding what is of value or what is important to themselves and others.”

Judging: ( I can’t find any definition on this type. So use your imagination)

Here are % from the results of my
Extroverted (E) 67.65% Introverted (I) 32.35% Sensing (S) 50% Intuitive (N) 50% Feeling (F) 64.71% Thinking (T) 35.29% Judging (J) 53.13% Perceiving (P) 46.88%

Obviously, I’m a bit of everything. With the Sensing and Intuitive, I’m even. No one is exactly one thing over the other. The interesting thing is, is that I took this test several times and the results were all very similar (the % were within 5 points of the first results every time).

Well, Adam. Is this me?

In case you were wondering, yes, I did more then take this test today. I made yogurt (I tried this yesterday, but ended up killing the culture), we did school, I returned a few things to the school this morning (Adam!!), among other little things that aren’t worth mentioning. And it’s not 2 pm yet. After this, I will cut out the pieces for our couch and then put the pieces on our loveseat (I know this makes no sense. I’ll post about it when I’m all done and ready to brag show what I’ve done).

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