October 29, 2004

Yes, I know it’s 2006, but that is the day my first son was born. Yep, yesterday was the big “2” for my little guy! And was he ever a hoot! That boy recieved more tools then his father has! My mother and grandmother got him a 70 peice tool set, with a tool bench.

His auntie got him a 43 peice Black and Decker tool set, including a tool belt and hard hat, and my husbands parents got him a Black and Decker tool kit with a battery operated flashlight and battery opperated sander (real noise and movement), a level, a plainer and other stuff. He also got a nice flannel shirt with blue dress pants, a metal cast John Deer tractor (any respectable boy needs one, you know!), a doodle-pad, and a toy 4-wheeler. He lucked out pretty well!

My son facinates me. His name in Hebrew means “laughter” and it fits him quite well. After 2 girls, I still giggle over how much he is all boy! He is an affectionate little boy who loves to get and give hugs. There is a definate masculine instinct in him. He’ll scoot his cars on the floor, making sound the whole time. He’ll immitate his Daddy or “Papa” (Grandpa Dewing) when they are working with tools (or just working!). Grandma got him a pair of boots from the thrift store 2 weeks ago and he loves them! He’s not a happy boy when they have to come off. When he smiles, his whole face lights up and his brown eyes sparkle with pure joy. He loves his Papa and when Daddy comes home, he stops whatever it is he’s doing and comes running to meet him (his sisters do to). I love that.

Lord, help me to train my son to become the man you desire him to be. I want to teach him to honor You above all. To honor and protect his sisters, and some day his future wife. Guide me as I guide him through childhood into adulthood. Help his father to always seek after Your will, teaching him how to be a godly man, a leader of his home, a pillar in his community. Help us both to offer an example of what a godly home is, with both the husband and wife in their proper place. Lord, above all, I want my son to love you more than I love you and to walk after you with a closer walk then I have. I pray that at the end of his days, he hears “Well done, my good and faithful servent”.

Happy birthday, Bud Man!

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