Well, I’ve given up. I’ve had the idea and desire to write a blog, but I have resisted it thus far. It seems that everyone has a blog and I’ve always shyed away from “fads”. And, I’ve never been good a keeping up a journal, which this kind-of is. Besides, who out there wants to here my thoughts and ramblings.
But, as you can see, I’ve given in. Maybe the only one who will read this will be my mother ~ and even then, that’s questionable. She’s a school teacher and a bit scatter brained sometimes. She’ll forget to read it, I’m sure. I’d say my husband would read this, but he won’t either. So I’m probably the only one who will read it. Which is sad if you think about it, so I won’t.
Anyway, what do I have to add to cyberspace? I’m not sure. But I do know that there is to much garbage out there that maybe my little corner ~ or is it dot?~ can combate some of it. At least that’s what I’ll tell myself. If nothing else, then this will be a place where I can vent and ramble and voice my very conservative ideas and practices. No can be offended because they don’t have to read it, right? Please don’t expect anything horribly profound, because that’s just setting me up for failure. I’m not an eliquent writer or speaker (and you’ll soon find out that’s I’m not a good speller too!).
The most important relationship in my life is with Christ. Am I serving Him as He desires? Am I living as He desires? Am I listening to Him? As I walk through this life, most of the time stumbling in the darkness with out so much as a flicker of a match (or so it seems way too often), I occasionally learn stuff. That is what I hope to pass on. As I glean from others, perhaps someone can glean from me.